Ava had a weight check last night at our family doctor and she has not grown a bit in the last month. Although this did not come as a surprise to me it was very discouraging. Lately I have been looking at other children around her age and wondering if she really is "that" small. I have been starting to feel like she is catching up. She is now in 24 month clothes-a year ago she was still in some 0-3 and is not that much shorter some of the other kids her age. When we saw her lack of weight gain, her doctor brought up the feeding tube again and asked her how I was feeling about it. How am I feeling? Absolutely torn.
On one hand I want her of course to receive all of the nutrition that she needs. In reading about kids that are SGA and those that have RSS, I have seen it mentioned that their bodies are starving because they themselves cannot put enough calories into their body through oral feedings. This breaks my heart. I don't want her body to starve, I want her to thrive and be healthy. I also am so tired of the battle that takes place 90% of the time when she has to eat or drink her bottle. If she could live off of fruit and juice it would be fine but she cannot and she does not want to eat the things that she needs to. Times like this, when she is gagging and saying all done at the supper table, I want to throw my hands in the air and say go ahead, just put it in.
However, thinking of my baby girl with a tube in her makes me want to cry. It makes me feel like we are moving backwards, back to the days of her being connected to IVs etc. Her doctor's appointments have been starting to be farther between and with this new addition, we are sure to be there constantly again. I worry about it pulling out-her doctors assure me this is unlikely but I have heard several people tell me it happens. She is a very feisty little girl who is so sensitive to even her shirt slipping off her shoulder, how is she going to tolerate this? What will her siblings think? How will we get them all to be careful of her? Will I have to constantly be telling Ava that she has to be careful and can't play with the boys because she may get hurt? And what about the risk of infection? People keep bringing this up to me.
The doctor's of course in response to my worries have told me that the risk of infection is manageable. That it is important for her to grow, be healthy, and get the calories by any means necessary-even if it is a tube. That lots of families deal with this and they somehow keep their child away from rough play. That we can manage.
Easy for them to say. They are not the ones that will be doing it. The one that has to do feedings at night. The one that has to see their little girl connected to a machine so she can grow......
In response to my asking if she is "really" that small that we have to do this, the doctor pulled out her growth charts. She explained that while it says Ava is in the first percentile, this is only because the chart does not register percentages below this. That if we look at the line, we can see she is far below. She is not on the charts at all in weight or height to weight. Her height alone, is better than it used to be-but still not on the chart. I swear at one of her doctor's offices it was above the 5th percentile, but her pediatrician said no way. When I told her about the lady in her office last week who asked how old Ava was and then said she is big for her age-she asked if I realize that the woman is obviously crazy. The chart's do not lie, she is definitely teeny tiny.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Saturday, January 8, 2011
It is never "just a bug"....
Ava with the puke bucket |
Our family has been through the ringer the last month with illnesses. First we all got a sinus thing complete with stuffy noses, coughs, fevers, etc. The next week it moved into every one's chest and poor Ace even had to have nebulizer treatments. Then the following week we each took our turn vomiting. Yuck! The week after that-Christmas Eve it started-we got sore throats and swollen sinuses. Goodness! We have certainly had our fill. Currently Ace is still fighting stomach pains and a low grade temperature and Landon and Ava both are coughing all night and congested. I can't wait until everyone is nice and healthy again!
Through all of this, I of course worry about each of my children. I tried to keep them comfortable, hydrated, and fed. Ava, however, always seems to be in the forefront of my mind. When she is sick, it is not just a matter of worrying about these things, but also worrying about whether she will lose weight or not, how quickly her appetite will return, what meds to give her and which to not give her (for example when she is vomiting I don't want to give her any meds that will make her stomach more crampy), and how much this will set her back. This was especially true during this last stretch of illness, as we come closer and closer to having to make a decision regarding a feeding tube. I am on the fence as to whether I am comfortable with the idea or not and knowing that she had several weeks where she didn't gain weight because she was sick and that she may have even lost is just too much to handle. She goes to her pediatrician Monday to have a weight check and I am anxious just thinking about it.
I am very lucky that I have been able to keep Ava at home and out of the hospital during her illnesses, as I know many kids who are small for gestational age, failure to thrive, and/or have Russell Silver Syndrome often end up in the hospital when they have a bug such as the ones that Ava has endured the last month. However, I still constantly worry about how her illnesses are going to impact the decisions that we make regarding a feeding tube and how they impacted her weight over the last month. It takes Ava so long to gain that when we lose time such as this, it really is a big deal.
Did I miss something?
This past week I have been back and forth to the hospital with Ace. He has been having stomach pains accompanied by a low grade fever for weeks now. At first I just thought he was having some cramping or something and then when he started with a fever he also had a sinus thing going on so I simply attributed it to that. I did take him to the doctor's a couple of times for other things-the sinus cold and then for a vomiting bug-and each time mentioned the belly pains but didn't make a big deal of it. This week however, they got worse and his fever was consistent instead of coming and going. He also had no appetite at all. We ended up in the ER all night while doctors did an ultra sound, blood work, urine analysis, and cat scan on him. They ended up finding what they thought might be the problem-but when we saw the urologist on Thursday, he said that it absolutely was not the issue and that he does not need surgery (the ER dr had said it was likely he would). So now we are back to square one...waiting for stool sample results, and hoping he wakes up in the morning and is miraculously healed.
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Ace snoozing in the hospital. This was around 2am...it was a long night |
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
That's a first
Today at the doctor's office, while waiting in line, a woman asked how old Ava is and when I told her, she replied "oh, she is big for her age". I was speechless. That is definitely a first for Ava. I wonder how many 2 1/2 year olds that lady has been around lately because at 20lbs, she is defiitely not big for her age! It was refreshing though for once not to hear remarks about how petite, tiny, small, "cute" (yes, in this instance cute can be a negative thing because I know that it really means extremely small) she is or my favorite, to be asked why she is so tiny-if she is sick. So thank you woman in line at the doctor's for having a refreshing comment and giving me a little chuckle.
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